Rosaine's Blog Enc1102

Friday, April 06, 2007


The writer of this poem feels guilty somehow for not following the family tradition to be a farmer and work the land. For him he was a disgrace to the family but the only way he found to show how much did he loves his family was trough a pen. In all the poems that he wrote he reflected the family tradition and how he feels about it, always trying to help but the best thing he can do its to write it down instead of working the land like the rest of the family. In his poems we can see the passion for the land and the desire to maintain the people interested and how is it that a farming family lives and work.

Sonnet 73

This sonnet was written by William Shakespeare to his lover. What he is trying to say trough this sonnet is that he amazed that his lover does not care what his age is, she loves him for what he is and not for the difference of age between them. He tries to tell her in here how valuable is for him that she feels like that because that shows that she loves him even more and he is very happy for that. Not everyone decides to share his or her life with someone older than you, and this why he is so proud that his lover is still with him and the reason is that she really loves him.

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

The creator of this story was Ernest Hemingway a very famous writer and one of his master pieces was “The Man and the Sea”. In this specific story he talks about a couple that went in a safari trip to Africa. Margo is the wife and Francis is the husband, but the real problem in here is that he does everything what she tells him to do, and do no have self opinion. During the trip he panics in front of a lion, showing to everyone that he was a coward. This might be the reason why her wife had an affair with the guy that was leading the trip. When he discovers that she had sleep with the man, he decided to be strong and do his own will, but she did not like that, because he was going to take away everything from her and the most important was the money. For this she decided to kill him made it look like and accident and the hunter helped her because he did not wanted to loose his job.

The Storm

This is a very controversial story for the time when it was written by Kate Chopin. The story is about adultery and infidelity of a woman to her husband. In here we can see why is it that its writer was criticized for it because in those times women were men property and they did not have the right to be disloyal not even with their thoughts. Calixta the main character has an affair during a storm while her husband was out of the house, and when he comes back she acts like if nothing had happened between her and her lover, for her that was normal and she was not regretful for her actions. The only thing she is worried about is the house. For me the wrong part is that if you do not love someone, tell him that you want to be free but never lie.

A Worm Path

For me this was a very impressive story, and one of the reasons was to see what a strong will can have a very old woman to help someone that she loves. This story thought me that if you want something you just have to go for it without taking much care of the difficulties that you may face in the way to your goal. Phoenix and old woman who had to go trough a forest to get to the city, and in her way she found a hunter who was a very mean man and he did not care of the difficulties that she was going through, the only thing he told her was that she should go back to her home. Despite the fact that it was very dangerous going in the woods, she kept her word of going to the city to the medicine for her grandchildren. This is a very inspiring story that can make anyone realized their goal if we all fallow the perseverance of Phoenix.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Going, Going

In this poem from the nature chapter, we can see that it has a sad and worry tone. This man fears a natural disaster that nobody is going to be able to stop after it starts. He thinks that the end of the world is going to be because of the abuse of nature and the construction of more buildings and cities that the ones the humanity needs. In specific, he is taking about England but he is worried about in general about the whole planet. His issue should be very familiar to almost every human in the earth because we are destroying our own planet.

Fishing 4 Religion

This poem is from the spirit chapter, and it is about a man how has faith but wants the church to show something else to the people than just the solution is to die, and you will go to the paradise. He wants the people to really belief in what they are doing and that there is a supreme human been that is in heaven and is always watching us, not just to go to church every Sunday because it is a family tradition or because there nothing more important to do than that, and we can socialize in there. He is trying to make the people belief that faith is not just in the church but everywhere.

Letter to My Father 40,000 Feet

The girl from this poem is traveling in a plane, but in that plane she finds out that, there is man who looks very alike to his father. In that moment she feels a contradiction inside of her because for an moment she wants to hug that man as he was her father, but at the same time she is angry at him, the reason is not clear the fact is that she has love and hate emotions inside of her that she has not release. Maybe her father did something to her that she cannot forgive but at the same time, she is showing how important her father and she needs to be love and hug by him.

Notes from the Delivery Room

This poem is about how painful and at the same time important is the act of giving birth to a new human life. This woman loves her baby, and enjoy while she was procreating him, but at the same time for her babies should be born in fields and everything would be easier for the mother. She does not want every mother going trough the painful situation of giving birth. This a very descriptive poem about pain and felling, and how is it that at the end we all go back to the same soil, that for her we should also come from it

A & P

This is a story about a boy who is a cashier at a supermarket, but he does not like the way the manager treats a few girls that went into the place because they were wearing bedim suits. These girls were going to be in there just for a few minutes, and the reason they went into the supermarket like that is because they were doing a favor to one of the girls mom. But the problem was that the manager insulted them and they boy decided to defend them. Trough this act the manager noticed that he was a very difficult person to deal with, so the manager gave him the choice to stay at work or quit, but the boy decided to quit without caring that the manager was a friend of the family and knew his parents. In that moment, he realized how hard life was going to be for him.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Lottery

This specific story is the most terrifying that I have read since the beginning of the course. It is about a ceremony that is performed in the town every year, the name is “The Lottery”. Every year they put the names of the whole population of the town in a black box that they have kept from their ancestors, who did the same ceremony year after year. In a specific day, they will make a reunion to choose the winner, but this person did not won money, or a house, not even a road trip, the only thing that this person could get out of it was his or her dead. The reward for wining “The Lottery” was to be kill in front of every habitant of the village who also helped this ritual to be completed year after year. In this case, even the son of the woman that was chose helped to kill her own mother by throwing stones to her. This story is very scary because unbelievable how a civilized society can do something like that to another human been, just because she had the bad luck to be the chosen one.

The Story of an Hour

The main character in this story is a woman, who was under the commands of her husband like almost every woman during that period. Everything started with news that her husband had die in train crash, at that moment she felt free for the first time in her whole life. She did not want other people to notice how happy she was because of the death of her husband, so she went up to her bedroom to enjoy her freedom. But that joy ended very soon when she saw her husband coming trough the house door, in that moment she felt the most miserable woman in the world because once more she was going back to her husband prison. The only good thing in this story is that even though she died, at least she had the chance to be free for an hour, that same hour that many women of her time would had give their lives for.

Los Vendidos

In the story everything is about how the Hispanic people specially the Mexicans need to be, look, dressed, and speak like American just because they are in the United States, they are force in this story to lose they roots and traditions to become something or someone that they are not. In the story there is an specific girl that is a model example of criticism against her own people denying all the time who she is, or where does she comes from, with a superior feeling and treating everyone else like bugs. Her goal is to find a Hispanic man that acts like a robot and is everything what a Mexican American is expected to be in this country. However, at the end, she is the one who loses and the other three people were smarter than she was and stayed with all the money. This story shows that we should not hide who we are or where we come from, we are all free to do whatever we want and to act as we want to do it.

A Good Man is Hard to Find

This story from the beginning to end is how the grandmother of the house has the ability to manipulate everyone’s life, just to do whatever she wants. This family was planning on going on vacation to Florida, but the grandmother tried to convince them that the misfit that had escaped from jail was going to Florida and it was dangerous to take the kids over there. All the time the whole family did what the grandmother wanted to do, and for this reason at the end they all got killed by the same misfit that the grandmother said that was going to Florida instead of to Tennessee. This story is a perfect example that we not allways have to do what the grandma says we have to, we all have our own lifes and opinions.

Homage to my Hips

This is a very short poem, but in it, we can see how important can be a specific part in someone else’s body. For this woman the most beautiful part of her body were her hips. She does not care what other people think, the only thing that matters are her hips, she has absolutely no modesty and she thinks that nothing in the world is better than herself, but even more than her hips. In this poem we can noticed that for this woman there is nothing more important than her hips, they are even more important that what she feels or is, for her the world is turning around her hips only. In my opinion an especific part of someones body does not represent what we are.

Go Look

This poem is about a couple that is camping in the woods, and the conflict about what we should do depending on our gender. There is a moment when the girl heard a noise that was coming from the outside, and then conflict begins, because she wanted him to go and look out because he was the man but he didn’t wanted to go. For him they both have the same abilities and it was not his responsibility to go outside just because he was the man. At the en when they go together to see what was going on the story ends. The complete story is about stereotypes and the role of the woman and men, but for me we are all the same and we can all perform the same tasks.