Rosaine's Blog Enc1102

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Lottery

This specific story is the most terrifying that I have read since the beginning of the course. It is about a ceremony that is performed in the town every year, the name is “The Lottery”. Every year they put the names of the whole population of the town in a black box that they have kept from their ancestors, who did the same ceremony year after year. In a specific day, they will make a reunion to choose the winner, but this person did not won money, or a house, not even a road trip, the only thing that this person could get out of it was his or her dead. The reward for wining “The Lottery” was to be kill in front of every habitant of the village who also helped this ritual to be completed year after year. In this case, even the son of the woman that was chose helped to kill her own mother by throwing stones to her. This story is very scary because unbelievable how a civilized society can do something like that to another human been, just because she had the bad luck to be the chosen one.


  • At 1:48 PM, Blogger WOS_Jesus is LORD said…

    It shows the realisation I think by men in primitive living conditions (I assume that's what they are) that a sacrifice is needed to cover all men's sins. This would then confirm the realisation of a godly justice and a God who has the right to judge men. Only the nature and character of that God is not at all taken into account. He is a RIGHTEOUS GOD, who He himself became man and died for men's sins once and for all, that they might live before Him always, _eternally. We have not been created to die eternally. But God being God, One and only God who originally chose Himself a people called Israël, is now speaking _for the last two thousand years to men and women and children of all ages and nations. Do read The Bible if you can. It will tell you a lot about that God Who seeks a working and loving relationship with every man or woman, child, created as they are in His image, formed in His image, through He Who is called the Son. Jesus, Jeshoua = GOD SAVES. He is a righteous judge and loving God and His intense longing is to bless us human beings. Therefore He teaches us like a loving Father, or mother (Psalm 131, and Proverbs 31) God bless you Rosaine My main blog is on Yahoo you will find URL references on my wos_JesusisLord blog Harry missionary


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